Portage County Chapter
of the Ohio Genealogical Society
Promoting and stimulating knowledge and interest in the study of genealogy
About Portage County Chapter of OGS
Officers & Appointed Positions
Barb Petroski, President
Claudia Bissler, Vice-President
Kathi Trares, Secretary
Gary Ferguson, Treasurer
Barb Petroski, Newsletter Editor
Linda Ferguson, Membership Chair
Donna Creary, Historian
Barb Petroski, Publicity Coordinator
TBD, First Settlers' Chairperson
Chapter History
The first meeting of the area chapter OGS was held March 25, 1972 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Johnson. Mrs. Johnson, a shut-in, organized the chapter by telephone. Fifteen persons were present at the first meeting but membership had quadrupled to sixty by 1973.
Charter Members:
Mrs. Francis Englehardt
Miss Bernice Wicks
Mrs. Calvin Johnson
Mrs. Harry Akcworth
Mrs. Raymond Hoskins
Mrs. Frank Irmiter
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hensley
Mrs. Betty Widger
Mr. William C. Johnson, Jr.
Mrs. Rhea Merrell
Dr. & Mrs. James Holm
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Moyer
Mr. & Mrs. Burtin Martin
Carrie Ann Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Ellsworth
Mrs. Donald Ashton
Dr. & Mrs. F. Dewey Amner
Mr. Hammond Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Moore
Mrs. H.S. Atkinson
Miss Dorothy Parsons
Mrs. Helen Griebling (Erich T.)
Mrs. Opal Love
Mrs. Robert Fildes
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Smith
Mrs. Kathryn Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Harlow Luce
Mr. & Mrs. J. Wilson Parmelee
Mrs. George A. Walter
Mr. & Mrs. L.C. Underwood
Mr. Archie J. Bakay
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bell
Mrs. Walton B. Lawrence
Mrs. J. Harlow Carson
Mrs. Calvin Rausch
Miss Helen Machan
Mrs. Reed Walker
Mrs. David James
Mrs. M.C. Bradstock
Mrs. C.E. Colegrove
The Portage County Chapter Ohio Genealogical Society was established June 17, 1972 by fifteen county residents. It is one of over 100 chapters or study groups under the direction of the Ohio Genealogical Society currently located in Mansfield, Ohio. We are a 501-c3 organization.
Meetings are held at the Portage County Historical Society, 6549 N. Chestnut St. Ravenna OH 44266, the first Saturday of February, March, April, May, September, October, November and December (Historical Society is closed on the day of meetings). October is our annual luncheon for First Settlers of Portage County. The chapter has traveled to other libraries in Ohio and PA for research trips.
At least fifteen people from our chapter must also be members of OGS for us to retain chapter status. A membership list is sent to OGS every year along with our current by-laws. Our chapter also helps support OGS by donating funds each year.
Dues for the Chapter are $10.00 for single membership and $12.00 for two or more at one address. Click here for more information about becoming a member of the Portage County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society.
Our chapter consists of four elected officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. In addition, there are three appointed positions: First Settlers Chair, Membership Chair, and Historian. All are part of the executive board.
The chapter will provide research on a limited scale and only pre-paid. Please download the form by clicking on the Research Request button when requesting research. Enclose $10.00 for each hour of research that you wish to authorize, with a one-hour minimum. Research will only be done with pre-payment. You will be contacted with projected costs if the research time will exceed what you have authorized. Cost of all copies is 25¢ a page. Research is done within Portage County which includes libraries, historical society, and county offices (**except land deeds). Requests for photos of tombstones require an extra charge. Chapter volunteers do all the research and funds after expenses are donated to the chapter. The Genealogy Chapter is not the same group as the Historical Society and research requests are handled by different people and there is a different cost structure.
Chapter By-Laws
The name of this organization shall be the Portage County Chapter No. 67 of the Ohio Genealogical Society.
The objectives of this Chapter are:
1. To support the objectives of the Ohio Genealogical Society.
2. To create and build interest in preserving and collecting genealogical records of Portage County and the State of Ohio, and to
take an active part in making them available for public use.
3. To cooperate with the historical societies of the county in their efforts to preserve and collect historical materials
4. To publish whenever possible genealogical and historical materials.
5. To encourage active membership in the Portage County Chapter and the Ohio Genealogical Society.
6. To assist members in their own genealogical research.
ARTICLE III: Membership
Section 1: Interested persons may become members of the Portage County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society upon
payment of annual dues to the Chapter Treasurer.
Section 2: Not less than fifteen (15) members of the Portage County Chapter must also be paid members of the Ohio Genealogical
Society in order for the Chapter to retain its charter
Section 3: Annual Chapter dues shall be the amount determined at the Annual Meeting and are due January 1st of each calendar
ARTICLE IV: Elected Officers
Section 1: The elected officers of the Portage County Chapter shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2: TERM: Elected officers shall hold office commencing at the close of the Annual Meeting for a term
of two (2) years or until the close of the meeting at which their successors are elected. Not more than one (1) member
of an immediate family in the same household shall hold office in the Chapter at a time.
Section 3: ELIGIBILITY: No person shall be eligible for office who has not been a member of the Portage County Chapter for one
Section 4: NOMINATION: A Nominating Committee of three members shall be chosen per Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for each office to be filled. Each nominee must consent
to his/her nomination. Candidates shall be announced in the next current newsletter. Additional nominations may be
made from the floor prior to the election, provided that the nominee has previously consented.
Section 5: ELECTION: Officers shall be elected by secret written ballot or a show of hands during the Annual Meeting. Election shall
be by majority vote of those members present and voting at the Annual Meeting.
Section 6: VACANCIES: In the event of a vacancy or failure to meet the requirements of any office, the President shall appoint any
suitably qualified and willing member to fill the vacancy, subject to the concurrence of a majority of the remainder of
the Executive Board. However, should the office of President be vacant, the Vice President shall succeed to the office
for the remainder of the term.
ARTICLE V: Duties of Elected Officers
Section 1: PRESIDENT: It shall be the duties of the President:
(1) To be a member of the Ohio Genealogical Society as per the OGS by-laws.
(2) To preside at all Chapter meetings.
(3) To appoint all committees except in the case of the Nominating Committee which will be chosen per Robert’s Rules
of Order, Newly Revised.
(4) To enforce all laws, regulations, and requirements of this Chapter and of Ohio Genealogical Society as they pertain to
this Chapter.
(5) To fill vacancies as specified in Article IV, Section 6 of these By-laws.
(6) To call meetings of the Executive Board when necessary but at least twice per year.
(7) To call special meetings of the Chapter when necessary.
(8) To serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
(9) To perform such other duties as may be required for the welfare of this Chapter and of the State Society.
Section 2: VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall:
(1) Preside in the absence of the President.
(2) Assist the President in carrying out the duties of that office.
(3) In conjunction with the Executive Board, be responsible for the planning of monthly programs.
(4) Succeed to the office of President in the event of its vacancy.
Section 3: SECRETARY: The Secretary shall:
(1) Keep an accurate record of the business transacted at all Chapter meetings and Executive Board meetings.
(2) Assist the President with Chapter correspondence.
(3) Maintain a list of members and guests in attendance at all Chapter meetings and Executive Board meetings.
(4) Maintain a permanent list of all Chapter members and officers for each year.
Section 4: TREASURER: The treasurer shall:
(1) Collect all dues and other moneys paid to this Chapter.
(2) Keep an accurate record of all financial matters of this Chapter.
(3) Deposit Chapter funds in such depository or depositories as the Executive Board directs.
(4) Pay all bills upon arrival.
(5) Maintain a current register of paid Chapter members.
(6) Make monthly financial reports to the membership at all regular meetings.
(7) Submit an annual financial report at the close of each fiscal year showing income from all sources, and classifying
and summarizing expenditures in a form suitable for use in filing a return for the Internal Revenue Service.
ARTICLE VI: Duties of Appointed Officers
Section 1: HISTORIAN: The Historian shall:
(1) Have custody of all chapter genealogical and historical collections.
(2) Collect items of local genealogical and historical interest throughout the County.
(3) Make an annual report to the membership at the Annual Meeting.
Section 2: PUBLICITY COORDINATOR: The Publicity Coordinator shall be charged with the responsibility of publicizing in all
possible media the activities, aims, and accomplishments of this Chapter.
Section 3: NEWSLETTER EDITOR: The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for the compilation and publication of this Chapter's
Section 4: PUBLICATIONS CHAIRPERSON: Publications Chairperson shall be responsible for Chapter publications and publications
ARTICLE VII: Executive Board
Section 1: The Executive Board shall consist of all currently elected and appointed officers of this Chapter and all past presidents of
this Chapter who are currently members of the Chapter may serve as nonvoting ex-officio members.
Section 2: Meetings of the Executive Board shall be called by the President but no less than twice per year.
Section 3: The Executive Board shall have charge of all business affairs between Chapter meetings and make recommendations to
the membership.
Section 4: The Executive Board must approve all of the President's appointments to vacant offices by a majority of the remaining
members of this Board.
Section 5: Two-thirds of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 1: The membership of the Portage County Chapter of OGS shall meet regularly.
Section 2: The Annual Meeting shall be for the purpose of receiving reports and electing Chapter officers.
Section 3: Special meetings may be held when deemed necessary and called by the President.
Section 4: The members present at any membership meeting shall constitute a quorum.
ARTICLE IX: Amendments
These By-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Chapter by a two-thirds vote, provided that the amendment has been presented in writing not less than two (2) weeks prior to the meeting at which the voting will take place. An amendment shall become effective at the close of the meeting at which it was adopted.
ARTICLE X: Parliamentary Authority
In the conduct of meetings, Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the authority insofar as they do not conflict with these By-laws.
ARTICLE XI: Dissolution:
Section 1: All of the foregoing are for carrying out the work of the Chapter for educational purposes and to operate solely for
educational purposes as provided in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, Revised.
Section 2: Should the organization be unable to fulfill its stated purpose, it may be dissolved upon the affirmative vote of a
majority of the current Executive Board members. The Executive Board shall thereupon take such action as may be
necessary to complete all affairs of the organization and to effect the termination of its corporate existence.
Section 3: In the event of dissolution, all Chapter properties real, tangible, and intangible shall be placed in the care of a similar
nonprofit genealogical organization or organizations within Portage County exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code, Revised.